Monday, March 10, 2008

It was ensnaring for all the wrong reasons
It took me in, it pulled me into itself
I assented and bowed my head
But now I am penitent, sorry,
For tying myself to it, though it made no sense.

The fish was caught on the bright sharp hook
But the line runs down to the tangled bottom
Breathing fins just waste there in the water

Let us talk of nothing,
you and me,
Let us talk of nothing together.
Let us talk and talk of nothing
And we shall be together
Talking and talking together of nothing

I am alone,
and I prefer to be alone
with just the sky and the water.
The shore boy,
The boy that goes always along the shore
Speaks to me
And wants to show me the caves and the rocks
that the sea runs into.
He wants me to go with him – but can I?
Because I must be always with the sky and the water.
I must be with them - the sky and the water


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